Folsom Focus Photography Contest 2024

15th Folsom Focus Photography Contest

Featuring the Faces and Places of Folsom

November 8, 2024 to January 16, 2025

Sponsored by the Folsom Arts Association and City of Folsom

Community Gallery at The Gallery at 48 Natoma

*****  AWARDS  *****

Best of Show $50

1st Place $35 * 2nd Place $20 Gift Card

3rd Place $10 Gift Card

1st, 2nd, and 3rd place awards per age group and category

Awards announced at the opening reception

Friday, November 15 from 6 to 8 p.m.
Gallery at 48 Natoma

This contest encourages amateur photographers of all ages to submit their favorite photos that showcase Folsom from their own unique perspective. Contestants are not required to be Folsom residents, but all photographs submitted MUST be an image taken in FOLSOM and identifiable as such. All entries must fit into one of the categories listed below. Entry fee is $7 per photo.

Registration for the photo contest is CLOSED. Thank you to everyone participating in the event.

Mark your calendar! The Opening Reception and Awards Ceremony will be held on Friday, November 15, from 6 to 8 p.m., at The Gallery at 48 Natoma in Folsom.

Folsom Focus Photography 2022

Folsom Wildlife – 1st Place – Soaring by Donna Ruiz (16 and over)

Important Information

  • Photos must be mounted on black foam core board to the 8×10” size. No framing, no white foam core board or mat board.
  • A limited supply of self-adhesive black foam core boards can be requested during the registration process – FREE, one per entry. Foam core boards will be available to pick up at the Gallery at 48 Natoma (see timeline below). Black foam core boards (adhesive and non-adhesive) can also be purchased from most craft supply stores.
  • Online registration opens October 1 through the 21, or until full. * * * REGISTER IS CLOSED * * *
  • Entries limited to a maximum of three (3) photos.

Rules, Guidelines, and Registration

Age Groups and Categories

Entries will be accepted in two age categories:

15 years of age and under
16 years of age and older

Capture life in Folsom using one of the four categories as your guideline.

Folsom Outdoors: Capture landscapes, waterscapes, trails, and parks. Photographs can include people if the subject clearly defines the outdoor activity. Be sure to get their permission!

Folsom Wildlife: Showcase your favorite photos of Folsom’s wildlife: birds, deer, raccoons, snakes, frogs, etc.

Urban Folsom: Feature urban scenes, including buildings, street scenes, and events. Photos can include people; just be sure to have their permission to take and use their photos!

Macro Photography: Get really close to your subject: flowers, insects, water, etc. Please only submit photos of subjects that you shot in Folsom and that exist in Folsom.


October 1-21 – Online registration OPENS October 1 through the 21, or until full. A limited supply of self-adhesive foam core boards can be requested during registration and are available for pick up October 1-21. Registration form needed when picking up the boards. Registration form needed when picking up the boards.
October 16-30 – Photos to be delivered to The Gallery at 48 Natoma
November 8, 2024, to January 16, 2025 – Photos on display at The Gallery at 48 Natoma
November 15 from 6 to 8 p.m. – Mark your calendar for the Opening Reception and Awards at The Gallery at 48 Natoma in Folsom
January 17-31, 2025 – All photos must be picked up at The Gallery at 48 Natoma

Deliver photos to

The Gallery at 48 Natoma Arts and Senior Center
48 Natoma Street, Folsom CA 95630
Gallery hours: Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.


Photos must be mounted on black foam core board to the 8×10” size, with no framing. No white foam core or mat board.

A limited supply of self-adhesive foam core boards can be requested during the registration process – FREE, limited supply, one per photo entry. Foam core boards can be picked up at The Gallery at 48 Natoma October 1-21. A copy of your entry form will be emailed to you once you register and pay online. Your entry form is needed when picking up the boards.


* Any camera type may be used, including cell phones.
* Entry fee is $7 per photo, payable online.
* Each person may enter a total of three (3) photographs in any category.
* Photos may be “tweaked’ or “enhanced” – such as exposure, dodging, burning, cropping, lens correction, color correction. We want, however, all photos to be true to what the photographer originally saw. NO AI-GENERATED PHOTOS.
* All photos must be 8” x 10″ prints, landscape or portrait orientation, with no exceptions.
* Photos must be mounted on black foam core board to the 8″ × 10” size with no framing. No white foam core or mat board. Black foam core boards can be requested during the registration process – FREE, limited supply, one per photo entry. Foam core boards can be picked up at The Gallery at 48 Natoma (see timeline above). Black foam core boards can also be purchased from most craft supply stores.
* Visit YouTube on Hand Mounting Your Prints on Foam Core
* If you purchase non-adhesive form core boards, please Google “how to mount on non-adhesive boards.”
* Attach the entry form to the back of each foam core board, identifying the entrant name, photo title, category, age group, where or at what event the photo was taken. For the Macro category, we appreciate you identifying the subject matter.
* Photos submitted or received after the entry deadline are ineligible.
* Contestants are not required to be Folsom residents.
* Open to amateur photographers: those who do not make a substantial living from their photography.
* The contestant must be the actual photographer for the image entered.
* Each photographic image must be of a Folsom subject, activity, etc. of the category selected.
* Be sure to get permission to use the photo of people featured in your submittal.
* Folsom Arts Association and the City of Folsom reserves the right to disqualify or remove any inappropriate photographs, as they deem necessary.
* Members of the Folsom Arts Association board of directors, Folsom Focus committee members, or city employees participating as contest planners and/or judges, along with family members may enter the contest but they are not eligible for an award.
* All photos must be picked up by participants at the Gallery at 48 Natoma between January 17-31, 2025.
* Photos and Ribbons not collected by January 31 will be discarded, no exceptions.


This year’s judges are Sally Cullen, Ken Mahar, and Terri Gray. Learn more about the judges at

Photos will be judged based on visual appeal, pictorial composition, originality, and consistency with the contest category theme. Judging will be based on clear focus and creativity, and the photo must be identifiable with a Folsom event or location. The decisions of the judging panel are final.

Winning Entries

* Award-winners agree that the Folsom Arts Association and the City of Folsom may use their photo for publicizing the current and future Folsom Focus photo contest, other publications, advertisements, and promotional materials. Photographers will be recognized for use of their photo. Award-winners will be asked to supply a digital file of the winning photo. Digital files will not be returned.
* Winners shall allow Folsom Arts Association to display their photographs on the Folsom Arts Association website.


By submitting your entry and payment online, you acknowledge that you have reviewed the rules and agree to enter the contest as described. Enter at your own risk; Folsom Arts Association and the City of Folsom are not responsible in the event of damage or loss of your photo. If you are a prize winner, this Acknowledgement authorizes the Folsom Arts Association or the City of Folsom to use your name and/or photograph for Folsom publicity, promotion, and advertising purposes.


Disclaimer: Information in the official rules is for reference only and is subject to change. The Folsom Arts Association reserves the right to revise, amend, or repeal the contest rules at any time.

Questions? Contact the Folsom Arts Association at