FAA Bylaws


The Board of Directors have revised the bylaws to conform to the organization as it has evolved since its inception more than 15 years ago.  A vote by the membership was taken at the July members meeting.

Changes include:

Simplifying the membership categories to include:  Individual memberships, family memberships, Student memberships, and Honorary memberships.

  • Clarifying membership term (1 year from the end of the month of joining).
  • Clarifying voting rights – Individuals 1 vote; Families no more than two votes.
  • Clarifying the size and term of the Board – 5 members; 2-year renewable terms.
  • Revising the quorum requirements for meetings of the Board (3 members) and the Membership (20 members).
  • Simplifying Board member removal provisions, subject to notice and opportunity to respond.
  • Clarifying the responsibilities of the Officers.
  • Deleting reference to obsolete committees; allowing Board to appoint committees as needed.
  • Modifying Bylaws amendment rules:
    • Board may adopt Bylaw amendments;
    • However, any changes that affect the voting rights of the members must also be approved by the membership.

The members approved the bylaws on July 1, 2019. The adopted Bylaws of the Folsom Arts Association are available online.